Topping mishap

Wondering Star

Active Member
1 - Topped at the second node, or some would say the first true node.jpg2 - Four side branches is all that is left.jpgHi,

A week ago I topped my plant at the second true node. By mistake I cut off one of the tiny side branches by the stem in the process, so instead of growing back 4 tops it started growing 3 :( I decided to top again at the node below.

The result is in the pics taken today. It only has 4 side branches left, which I think will become 4 tops?? they are all growing evenly but a little slowly right now. The plant has gone light green, no nitro deff though, is it stress?

Did I screw up bigtime with the topping operation? What will happen? Any info would be very helpful. Thanks in advance ladies and gents... :)


Well-Known Member
stop worrying as it will be fine mate :-P as soon as you see it start growing after topping it pretty much means its over the stress, i top all my plants and love it.

some strains i have found take longer to recover from having their "heads cut off", my latest topping was on a trainwreck and big bang but the trainwreck got stunted to hell.

just enjoy how bushy your plant will get now, what lighting you using and when do you plan on flowering? cus if you flower it now it would be perfect if your using cfl's.


Active Member
Looks like a lot of new growth to me - as noted by the lime green color at the growth nodes on the tops. Just feed her well and enjoy the ride.


Well-Known Member
i forgot to add if you pull them main tops down when they get a bit bigger you should end up with something like this, except yours will be alot bigger if you are still vegging


Wondering Star

Active Member
stop worrying as it will be fine mate :-P as soon as you see it start growing after topping it pretty much means its over the stress, i top all my plants and love it.

some strains i have found take longer to recover from having their "heads cut off", my latest topping was on a trainwreck and big bang but the trainwreck got stunted to hell.

just enjoy how bushy your plant will get now, what lighting you using and when do you plan on flowering? cus if you flower it now it would be perfect if your using cfl's.
Excellent, thanks mate! Well it's exactly 3 weeks old now from seed and it's vegging under cfl lighting. I plan on flowering in a week or so under a hps.

So, you reckon it will survive, cool :) At which node do you usually top? i employed uncle ben's topping technique [badly]... I had another plant which I fimmed :)

Wondering Star

Active Member
i forgot to add if you pull them main tops down when they get a bit bigger you should end up with something like this, except yours will be alot bigger if you are still vegging

Those look awesome man, congratulations! I wish mine look like that at the end, i'd be very happy! What size pots do you keep those in? is that coco? I was wondering if i could flower in 5 litre pots cos i have them in that size now and i dont fancy transplanting.

Wondering Star

Active Member
Looks like a lot of new growth to me - as noted by the lime green color at the growth nodes on the tops. Just feed her well and enjoy the ride.
That lime green colour is the same everywhere... I am pretty sure it was all dark green before, but who can remember what anything was like a week ago :)


Well-Known Member
personally i would flower them now if your using cfl's throughout the grow, with smaller plants its easier to share the light evenly and cover it in light.

my first grow i flowered them at the size of yours and they ended up pretty tall, i used 7.5 litre pots but have now gone for 4-4.5 gallon pots.

these were 2 ak48's that i flowered at the same size of yours on my first grow


Wondering Star

Active Member
personally i would flower them now if your using cfl's throughout the grow, with smaller plants its easier to share the light evenly and cover it in light.

my first grow i flowered them at the size of yours and they ended up pretty tall, i used 7.5 litre pots but have now gone for 4-4.5 gallon pots.

these were 2 ak48's that i flowered at the same size of yours on my first grow

So i am gonna have to transplant into a bigger pot, i have an 11ltr i can move it into. I think that should be ok, what kind of yields did you get with the 7.5ltr pots? I have a hps for flowering btw.


Well-Known Member
the 11 ltr pot would be fine, if you got a hps do what you said and veg them for another week, they looked so haggered as i didnt use any veg nutes and it was my first grow and i got 38grams from the both

Wondering Star

Active Member
the 11 ltr pot would be fine, if you got a hps do what you said and veg them for another week, they looked so haggered as i didnt use any veg nutes and it was my first grow and i got 38grams from the both
My friend grows CFLs with great results like yours, it's brilliant man! So yeh I'll probably leave it at least another week before flowering. I'd be happy to get those results like yours... thanks mate.

Wondering Star

Active Member
i forgot to add if you pull them main tops down when they get a bit bigger you should end up with something like this, except yours will be alot bigger if you are still vegging

Dude you mean just tying my four tops down with some string? what will that do? Will it make those tops grow upright so it looks like yours? I plan to transplant into the 11ltr pot and then put them in flower right away, i dont have room for an 11ltr pot in my veg box. Can I wait til then to tie them as you say>?

thank you.