Toping during flower?


Well-Known Member
It's been in flower for 3 weeks and is just now starting to bud. It is almost 2' tall and has taken off literally... like a weed. My grow box is only 3'. I never topped it during veg, I know that was irresponsible.

But is it okay to top in the 3rd week of flower?

Also, did the forum appearance change? Have I lost my skins? How do I set them back if so, or am I just oo damn stoned to figure it out?


luvvin growin

Active Member
no.It is not ok.The first week is fine,but the plant has adjusted to the new photoperiod now,so topping isnt a good idea.Maybe do some tying down to force the plant to grow horizontal,but thats it.YOu don't want the added stress of trying to care for it after a topping,the plant is too confused.
I put 4 bamboo stakes in the soil and made the 4 main branches spread apart to keep the height a little lower and to get more light into the bottom.


bud bootlegger
heyo.. i just had the same issue with one of my dna sour cream plants.. sucker took off in flower.. what i ended up doing after getting much advice was supercrop her.. i did it when the lights came on, and when i woke up 12 hours later, it had already recovered.. sweet... just pinch the spot you want to supercrop at between your two fingers hard, do it again on the opposite side, and just gently "fold" it over.. works great, and didnt stress my baby too much either... i was in 3 weeks of flower also, and have to admit that i was nervous as hell about it, but was assured that it would be all good, and it was.. i watched a few vids on youtube on how to do it first, and that helped greatly...