Top many fan leaves ??


Hi guys should I trim some od those fan leaves for better light Acces for buds And better air circulation? Or Is it better to leave them like this? The thing Is i grew it under 600w about only 45 cm from the plant so she didn't stretched very much And those leaves are really close to each other, some od them Are growing to others And like "Fighting" for space.(sorry for my bad english And probably stupid question).



Well-Known Member
As long as they're not blocking bud sites leave em. If they are, try to tuck them under the blocked bud site. If you can't tuck it, then trim it. Although I'd be trimming those discolored leaves there at the bottom regardless.


Well-Known Member
If those were my plants, I'd pull a few of the leaves just above the top of the pot, only to make it easier to get in there with a watering can. Other than that, you're on cruise control right now
Yep no worries.. I always remove the most intrusive ones blatantly covering the potential new Bud, all others tuck and push around to exposé more of it to your lights,