Top Drip Hydroponic Question

prime mover

Active Member
Hey all!

I've been checking out this forum for sometime so I figure I best get registered and start posting.

I'm a soil grower who just recently went to a hydro system. I purchased The Living System top drip hydroponics system along with the nursery that goes with it. The nursery has 6 growing cells that sit in a resivoir of solution. Once the plants are done vegging simply lift the cells out of the nursery and then they fit onto the cells in the flowering room which has a nutrient center and a "heart" that pumps and recycles the nutrients.

Anyway, the system is very nice but the directions are very vague. I'm using wondering how much nutrients the feed line should be letting out when the system is in feed mode? Should it be a drip, a slight flow or a steady flow? If it helps I'm running the lights at 24/0, feeding for half hour sessions 11 times in a 24 hour cycle. I'm using Dutch Master Gold and starting out at 500 PPM.

If there are any top drip users out there please help! I just want to make sure I have the right "nutrient flow" for a top drip system

Thank you in advance!!!!


Well-Known Member
i like a nice even stream for a cage emitter, and a drip ring i like to see only a drip.

high salt levels and low flow will cause clogging. hope this helps ya

prime mover

Active Member
I'm not sure what a cage emitter is? My system just has one feed line (tube) that is directed near the stem on the plant (but I'm thinking about moving the feed line away from the stem as to avoid root rot). I guess I'll just have to keep on eye on things and make adjustments accordingly?



Active Member
yes move the drip tube/head and drip away from the stem .... mine touched without me knowing what would happen (1st gro) and it damaged 4 plant stems ..... 2 ended up pulled and 2 rebuilt their stems -wooded over I have it drip 1 or 2 every second I also have mister below