Top dressing my raised bed


Active Member
I have a 4 x 12 race bed that I’ve been working on it for the last two seasons to get it all organic my soil is a mix, although 50-50 soil complex from a local farm. I also added soil from my previous grows using happy frog and ocean Forest soil floors, which is been flushed out.
I’ve been using compost tea and top dressing with Gaia Green Bloom. I add a couple tablespoons gg bloom about every three weeks. My question is, should I be feeding around the base of a plant or spread throughout the whole garden? There are two big plants and one small clone in the middle.



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Your plants look great…..they are clearly getting everything they need.
I use Gaia Green and have for a long time. Those larger plants have some big root systems that stretch way out. I would spread Gaia Green evenly in a circle about 18-20” around the base of the plant…..then water it in thoroughly.
A lot of growers top dress monthly but I prefer to do it more frequently with smaller amounts.
I wanna see those buds in about 6 weeks…’re gonna have some big ones.
good luck.
Thanks for your Feedback. This is my first Organic grow and I feel like I’m missing something. It’s hard to sit back and let it do its thing sometimes.
Thanks for your Feedback. This is my first Organic grow and I feel like I’m missing something. It’s hard to sit back and let it do its thing sometimes.
Man your plants are cruising along. I have a brother in law that grows a few every yr outside.
He gives them next to nothing for food….just drops them in the ground. In early flower he will top dress with seabird guana, which is all phosphorus. I’ve told him 1000 times to also add some potassium, but he refuses.
Somehow, someway, he grows monsters. I guess the soil already has everything it needs. Yours may be the same.
Anyway, he sent me some pics…..the plant hanging was chopped this morn and is only 1 plant.
The plants growing are from about 3 weeks ago but u can see it’s not lacking anything.
A good top dressing of the Gaia Green 2-8-4 won’t hurt anything and will be just what they need if the soil is lacking.
Good luck. image000001.jpegimage000000.jpegimage000001.jpeg