Too Much Power For 2 Outlets?

Hello, all. I am running a 600 watt HPS in a 4x4x6 grow tent. Inside I have a 490 CFM fan, an oscillating wall fan, and my 600 watter all on one outlet. I was wondering if it would be too much power to hook up a 10,000 BTU air conditioner to a different outlet in the same room. I'm not too savvy with this kind of stuff, so I was hoping someone on here could give me some insight. Thanks in advance, and if you need anymore info let me know. THANKS ALL!


Well-Known Member
If it is on the same circuit, it would be too much power..
You might have outlets on different circuits in the same room, though.


we in the UK use the amps system. most houses have breakers that can handle a certain amount of amps from the whole house. the system blows if we use for example 21amps on a 20amp system

i'm not sure how it works in the US but i would imagine it would be pretty similar. there should be a sort of 'guide' to max power outage on or around your circuit breaker


Well-Known Member
electricity is the same in the US and the UK AMPsXvoltage = watts
Your breaker will have an amperage rating you probably have 120 volts(110-118) if you have a 15 amp breaker you should be able to hold approx 1800 watts this is a peak rating I wouldn't use more than 80% just in case

Keep in mind when items start they consumer alot of electricity for a brief moment and they go down to nominal usage.
So if you have a 7.1 amp ac unit when it kicks on it might pull 10+ amps possibly double if you already have half the capacity being used by lights and other things it will potentially trip every time it kicks