Too much or too little?


Active Member
Has anyone seen this condition before? I have 4 plants all outdoors that have an increasing amoutn of curly purplish leaves, some turn yellow some are just a different green. I first thought Phosphurous but that hasn't helped.
Perhaps I should change the soil?
I have a high percentage of cow poo and compost mixed with potting mix with a slow release fertiliser.
Does that sound so terrible?
Any help would increase my yield which will make me ever so happy!




as im no expert, i do know that the plants are not perfect, lower leaves will yellow and discolor around the edges. its possible therer could be something wrong with your plant however it's possible there's nothing wrong at all. your problems are small compared to my poor baby bertha.. and shes still alive

as you can see all but her new leaves are pretty fucked up.. still investigating why.


could be... if its a female and i clone it i guess we will find out :D


Uses the Rollitup profile
Marius, those don't look like they are doing very well, it looks like over-ferting to me. If your soil is already hot, then you shouldn't have to add any fertilizer for at least a month. For outdoor plants, they don't look like they are getting enough light, could it be because they were started in the fall? Or maybe the shiny leaves are because you are spraying them with something?


Active Member
Hey thanks heaps for the tips guys!

I've got three plants that are all similar, I'll flush the soil on two and see if they recover better than the other one.
If they do recover I'd say it must be overly powerful compost or cow poo, either way hopefully enough flushing will weaken the mix.

I'm in Australia so they were planted in the start of spring and they are only about a month or so old, they get about 4-5 hours of full sunlight a day and I help them out on the weekends with either fluros or more sunlight.

If I can get them through this patch to grow some more leaves they should be able to make the most of the light they do get.

I'll keep the pics coming.


Well-Known Member
I screwed up and over fertilized mine. They looked the same. Don't freak out yet. You need to flush them with pure water. Ph test the water first. Do you ph test all your liquids before adding them? That could be a problem too if you don't.

Anyway after flushing let them dry out and you should see the new growth come out looking okay.


Active Member
I gave them a good flush out yesterday and after a good dose of sunlight they do appear a lot happier, I'll attach some pics soon. I think it was a combo of not enough light and a bit too much fert.

The tap water here is ph 7 so its all good, havent tested soil ph yet, it may be a little acidic due to citrus in the compost mix.


Active Member
OK, it's been about a week now since I have repotted with better potting mix with about 10% perlite. No nutes yet. My plants seem to be able grow nice new growth but the under growth is pretty much dying and dropping off.

The ph of the soil is 6.8.
No nutes.

It's been a week, I'm assuming I have fixed the initial fault, have I waited long enough to see a healthy plant yet?
Bear in mind I dont have the super powers of an indoor lighting system.

Does anyone recognise this sort of sikly leaf?

I have slighty pulled the plants down for I have limited room outside.

O, I forgot, I had a very minor case of thrips ( little bugs in Australia ) I have sprayed them once with a organic dose of water, a little olive oil with some garlic. This made the leaves too shiny for my liking as if the oil could clog the leaves, I havent and shant do this again.

