Too much light?


Well-Known Member
My dirt is regular flower potting soil, pictures of the plants state from yesterday are here:

The leaves were dunked in water in that picture to maybe prevent drying out.


Well-Known Member
Ive readjusted the box and the ventilation to allow air to exit better. Its pretty sad because i had finally after 2 weeks finished the box and they were supposed to be livin it up now in there.


Well-Known Member
My dirt is regular flower potting soil, pictures of the plants state from yesterday are here:

The leaves were dunked in water in that picture to maybe prevent drying out.
Okay that's not a happy plant, and don't 'dunk leaves in water' it looks like you may have over-watered it. Leaves take in water just as much as roots do and if it takes in too much it can wilt. You need to learn and understand how to water your plant using the 'wet and dry' cycle.

Did you use any perlite in that soil? How often are you watering? The brown edges to the leaves are unlikely to be light related - it looks more like nutrient burn to me which could be down to the soil containing too many nutrients at the plants young age - you may have to 'cut' it with some perlite.

I still don't beleive it's ph related.


Well-Known Member
Okay that's not a happy plant, and don't 'dunk leaves in water' it looks like you may have over-watered it. Leaves take in water just as much as roots do and if it takes in too much it can wilt. You need to learn and understand how to water your plant using the 'wet and dry' cycle.

Did you use any perlite in that soil? How often are you watering? The brown edges to the leaves are unlikely to be light related - it looks more like nutrient burn to me which could be down to the soil containing too many nutrients at the plants young age - you may have to 'cut' it with some perlite.

I still don't beleive it's ph related.
i'm with baby on the over-watering, it really looks like the classical water overkill and the lack of white spots in the topsoil tells me that your soil mix doesn't contain much if any perlite!:roll:


Well-Known Member
Hmm, well it looked like it was in a really warm room and everything was drooping at once, ive tried to wath my watering and actually killed a new plant by underdoing it. Steped up the watering then and maybe its too much but not sure. For a weed, this baby sure is picky =). There is no perlite in the soil.


Well-Known Member
I know u guys probably arent talking about this anymore, but CFL's can burn plants.. but it wont look like that, it will be curling up and turning a bronze/brown color and it will be crispy.

you plant looks like its over-nuted and over watered, the only thing I can think of right now that might save them is:

transplanting them into a different soil mix, make it 50% soil & 50% perlite..

let the soil dry out a couple days, maybe putting a fan close so that it blows on the surface of the soil to help dry it out...

once you've let the soil dry out for about 3 or 4 days, feed the plants pH'd water with peroxide in it.

2 teaspoons of Peroxide is to be added for every gallon of water you feed them, but only ONE feeding, and dont water them again for another 4-5 days, or when the first 2-3 inches of the soil has dried out.