too much light!!!!


Active Member
I am in the 3rd week of flowering and during technical difficulties last night i had to manually over ride my light timer. after correcting problems with wiring I forgot to switch the timer back to auto!!!!!well almost 7hrs into dark cycle I luckily noticed a noise that led me to discover the light still aglowin! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Is there anything I need to know or do, or will it not cause any problems?
(it Was probly in the 90's for most of the time since light fan is on timer )


Well-Known Member
Well if you just put EVERYTHING back to how it was. You should be OK. ONE slip up in the light schedual shouldn't matter. I've never had such a big slip up before though. It's only been at MOST 2 hours my lights were left on. But just put it back to it's regualr light schedual and I bet you'll be fine.