Too much light?/ cool mutation


Active Member
Ok so first off these girls were doing good yesterday afwe being transplanted and they were all reaching so I decided to lower the light they seemed to all be doing ok but today I got home from work and they seem to be hating the light. I have a 630 cmh down at 530 and about 42 inches from the tops it was about 45-47 inches away. Which I feel like is really far. Am I doing this right? Also one of my plants got a really cool mutation or is this normal? Sadly I heard most Muties are boys eeww.


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Im guessing it is a reactionary response from the lowering the light, they no longer have to reach for it so they have relaxed a bit. I'd give them a couple days to adjust before stressing much harder. they'll probably start bushing a bit harder.
Don't see any mutation. You topped and got 2 new growth tips. Light is not the issue at that distance. Underwatered is the cause imo from the pics. That or heat stress.
What is it then I know it's not over watered or under watered i transplanted yesterday and the soil was almost bone dry and obviously I watered it well after so it's definitely watered
Then heat stress. Whats the temperature in there?
Looked again could be transplant shock. 42" is a good distance away from the plants. Most run cmh around 25"
Only the larger ones are reacting that way and they were just potted up so they're also higher up up now due to the pots so I guess that could be it
Temps are fine so I'm going w transplant shock. No biggie they will perk up. Honestly I would lower that light to 32" and go from there.
Fimmed. Lol.
"Haha,try again"
Lolol I thought so too but it's happening on multriple branches. I really hope it's a female. And idk man I know this sounds stupid but I don't think they like light everytime I lower it they run from it and I have to raise it up again to get rid of that undercurl I was surprised it didn't happen when I raised the ballast from 315w to 530 I still haven't even given them the full 630w so I know they're missing out on the light spectrum they could be getting
"Haha,try again"
Lolol I thought so too but it's happening on multriple branches. I really hope it's a female. And idk man I know this sounds stupid but I don't think they like light everytime I lower it they run from it and I have to raise it up again to get rid of that undercurl I was surprised it didn't happen when I raised the ballast from 315w to 530 I still haven't even given them the full 630w so I know they're missing out on the light spectrum they could be getting
I've given you my opinion and tried to help. Good luck. Nobody runs cmh at 40" plus. Period. Hopefully someone else will come along and give their 2 cents.
I've given you my opinion and tried to help. Good luck. Nobody runs cmh at 40" plus. Period. Hopefully someone else will come along and give their 2 cents.
Dang man sorry if I offended you I was just making fun of that other dude and I'm not saying I don't want to or won't try to again but I'm just saying these plants have reacted badly to light the whole grow idk why I assumed thy were too small but even now that I lowere the lights just a bit they all have just a slight leaf bend pointing down whenever I lower it. Is that something that goes away or something? Edit: slight because I slightly dropped it if I drop it more it's worse
Dang man sorry if I offended you I was just making fun of that other dude and I'm not saying I don't want to or won't try to again but I'm just saying these plants have reacted badly to light the whole grow idk why I assumed thy were too small but even now that I lowere the lights just a bit they all have just a slight leaf bend pointing down whenever I lower it. Is that something that goes away or something? Edit: slight because I slightly dropped it if I drop it more it's worse
Cmon drop it buster
Dang man sorry if I offended you I was just making fun of that other dude and I'm not saying I don't want to or won't try to again but I'm just saying these plants have reacted badly to light the whole grow idk why I assumed thy were too small but even now that I lowere the lights just a bit they all have just a slight leaf bend pointing down whenever I lower it. Is that something that goes away or something? Edit: slight because I slightly dropped it if I drop it more it's worse
I'll stand by all my previous post. Something else going on not related to the light. Looks like underwatered or heat stress. If not that transplant shock but you said it had been a few days since transplant so that leads me to the other 2 problems listed above. Get a par meter to check light intensity and quit guessing on hanging height. Southside out.
I'll stand by all my previous post. Something else going on not related to the light. Looks like underwatered or heat stress. If not that transplant shock but you said it had been a few days since transplant so that leads me to the other 2 problems listed above. Get a par meter to check light intensity and quit guessing on hanging height. Southside out.
A par meter, more hardware, when will it end?