Too much humidity outdoors or??


Active Member
Hey these rust brown spots showed up on a few leaves like this
Not sure what the hell it is but every 5-7 days one or two more develop them.

I don’t think it’s nute burn as the tips are fine on 90% of the plant and she looks healthy to me.
Any help?

also she’s a bit wet cause I just sprayed pesticide on her.



Well-Known Member
It looks like nute burn to me. It's likely too much PPM but PH can help burn them too. The color looks real emerald green in the pics.
The pot looks a bit small for the plant in the last pic. How long do they take to dry the pots out?


Well-Known Member
Nute burns.

Also back off on the nitrogen. Thats causing you toxicity which is causing major issues.

If it helps you feel better this is the 5th thread today I have responded to that had major nitrogen toxicity.