I put too much H2O2 into my system. Its a top drip hydro system. First signs were the plants leaves were all drooping, almost like they hadn't been getting water, then the leaves showed signs of burning. It make a mess of the plants and they stopped growing. I drained the whole system, added fresh water, 1/4 neuts, ph'd to 5.9. It's been 3 weeks and I still have not seen little if any new plant growth, though about a week and a half ago the plants started to perk back up a little. I'm guessing the roots all got cooked as well. Wondering if anybody has ever done this and had them come recover, or if I should rip them out and call it a wash. It would take another 5 weeks or so to get new seeds to grow to this size, so I don't wanna rip em out if I know they can bounce back inside of another couple weeks.