Too late to FIM/Top?



Just wondering if it's too late to FIM or top my girls. They're only a few days from going under the 250w HPS for flowering. They've been quite sick :spew:the last few weeks (Overwatering followed by mag def) so i've been too scared to do anything with them.

Also what are the benefits or FIMming rather than topping? More bud? :weed:

Also I'm concerned that they might be a bit top heavy due to stretching as babies. Anything I can do to get them to fill out? They're white widows if that helps at all.

I know there's a lot of questions but bear in mind that this is my first grow!

Peace and love! :peace:



Active Member
Pretty sure those are prime for any kind of stress training - high or low (topping, FIMing, bruising, LSTing w/e).

You can still top etc a few weeks into bloom... someone else will chime in but to put it simply, yes you can top.

Active Member
For all intents and purposes, there isn't really much of a difference in FIM and Topping. The end result is the same. There is not a height limit that says you can't top after X height. The limit is the dictated by the amount of room you have to grow.

If you're plants are top heavy (moreso when the bud gets bigger) simply add in some support and tie the plant to it.

The white widow strain is not part of any does't matter the type of strain in your case.

I found a link that should help anyone that isn't sure exactly what it means to top a plant:

Topping a plant

This should help alot. If not, feel free PM me and I'll see what I can do to help. If not, Merry Christmas!



Well-Known Member
FIM and Topping are almost the same, but the difference, which may sound small, is the big difference. Topping removes the baby baby leaves growing right under their feet, so they are completely removed. FIMing is topping, but leaving the ankles and feet intact. FIM is a documented superior technique to traditional topping.

I have FIMed during early flowering during my outdoor grow last year. What happened was the buds tripled and quadrupled in quantity where they were FIMed. Thats not all that happend, but a lot of this was because of a cold, wet, and dark July; the plants stunted for about 2 weeks, and some mold invaded. I am convinced that had it been a hot, dry, and sunny July, the plants would have only been stunted for a few days and mold would havent been an issue.


Cheers Rollmeupscotty! Some straight forward advice there! nice one.

Cheers EverythingHydro but it says page not found. No worries. I've found a few useful threads on RIU. Cheers ppl!