too hot, what to do - pic included


yay.jpg The soil is around 34 celcius degrees, and the air is around 28-30 when I keep the closet-doors open. What do to? And will a circulating fan help much?


Yeah, one exaust fan and one inline fan. CFM? The closet it 180cm x 90cm x 70cm.
Thanks for the reply =)


Well-Known Member
First, you need to keep in mind you want a slight negative pressure applied to your grow space. So that means your exhaust fan should be stronger than your fan that is bringing air in. With that being said, you should switch your fans so you 105m3/h is the exhaust (unless you've got some money to drop on a stronger exhaust fan).


Alright, I'll need to fix that. Also, the closet is not air-tight and I keep the doors open. Will it help to make the closet air-tight, and let the fans do the work?


Well-Known Member
Not really. But if you're having heat issues now, and it's not air-tight, if you were to have an air-tight space you would definitely have heat issues. May want to look into a higher-power exhaust fan, or an AC unit.


Thanks for the help, I will return the exaust-fan and buy a new one with 185m3/h instead. Hopefully it will help out and bring the heat down, and I can close the doors.. Cause when I keep the doors open, the humidity goes way down and I need to spray the whole closet with water many times a day.


So..Yesterday I installed a 185 CFM exhaust-fan and I closed the door for 4 hours. When I came in to check my babies the temp was at 97 degrees Fahrenheit! I guess the only way out now is a cool-tube? Is it hard to install?