Too early to harvest?


Growing Roadrunner 2 (auto). DWC under CFL's.

I've read before that often seed descriptions give finish dates that are a bit "optimistic", and the grow often takes a bit longer. I'm about a week ahead of the suggested harvest time and I'd say about 90% of my trichomes appear milky. No signs of amber yet, however. I've been flushing for a week. From everything I have read the trichomes are giving me the thumbs up to harvest but I'm concerned that the calendar is telling me it's too early. Does this happen sometimes? CFL seems far from ideal conditions...


No reason why you can't begin feeding again after a flush ,In my experience it's early, never really meet many ppl who have gone to far,
I may be wrong though , any pictures available ???


Well-Known Member
Just my opinion, but I went an extra 7-10 days (I cut the day I saw amber) and I can honestly say my flowers seemed to almost double in size the last 3-5 days. Good luck with whatever you do!