Too crooked?..PICS


Well-Known Member
you could prop her up with a stick - I wouldn't do anythign drastic though. as long as the light is right above her she should straighten out - and nothing is wrong with being alil curvy - just adds personality :)


Well-Known Member
You can pack a little dirt around the stem to stabilize it. It won't hurt. Also put a light breeze on it ie a fan to toughen up the stem and stimulate growth.


Active Member
go with dahamma's method on this one. pack the soil lightly up agains the stem till maybe a half in of it is left showing then go with the fan and check your light's height and make sure it isn't too far away so you know it isn't causing the plant to stretch.


Active Member
looks like the plant might just be stretching for the light.

make sure the light source is directly overhead and the plant will straighten up just fine.

i have also seen people use empty paper towel tubes to straighten their plants up with good results.

regardless, it should be fine


Active Member
Alright thanks a lot everyone, I'm gonna move the grow area so I can get the light straight above, and I'm gonna have to pack that dirt around her :peace:


Well-Known Member
have a fan blowing on the stem/plant to strengthen it. you should be doing this anyways.


Active Member
have a fan blowing on the stem/plant to strengthen it. you should be doing this anyways.
yeah like everyone else said, mine looked about like yours at first but then i got the lights closer and packed some soil all up on it with a nice fan and now they are doings Great! straight and producing fat leaves now =)