Too cold to ship seeds????? ANYONE???????


Well...the time of year is upon us yet again...where everything is cold...and dead. This post is because im planning to order some seeds and am hoping that my seeds dont become the later...and wind up dead before they even get to me. So..that being said is it too cold to ship seeds comming from the uk into new york and finally to me here in the mid-south????


Well-Known Member
ni i store my seeds in my freezer for months at a time its a good way to preserve them for the future


Well-Known Member
In nature seeds sit outside on the ground throughout the winter until they begin to grow in the spring. I'd say your safe.

Mr Bomb

Active Member
The cold will not affect your seeds at all especially since they are inside of a box and will likely be in either a delivery truck or post office for the majority of the time anyways.