tons of spam, where are the moderators?


Well-Known Member
OK, so in the first two pages right now, there is about 5 spam threads some with porn.

I manage, make websites for a living and its easy to keep up on...

So where are the moderators? Does riu not have enough?


bud bootlegger
just report the spam as seen, making threads such as this does nothing to remove the spam.
tons of spam gets caught in the spam filters, an iota of that gets through, we delete as we see it, or when people report it..

and btw, mods here do it for the love of the site, and many of us dedicate hours of our lives to this site trying to make it a better place, just saying..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
You never know, but maybe the moderators have lives, or maybe they're just taking a shit. It is rather unreasonable to think that they can be around every second to deal with something the instant it happens. sometimes they get straight on it, other times it takes a bit of time. They're not employees, they are people simply doing a service, and as such are not expected to be around 24/7.

I could say this is spam and you're not helping the issue at all, given that this is the marijuana grow room, not the support forum. One could argue if they spent less time moving threads posted in the wrong forums, they could spend more time dealing with actual spam threads.

Just saying..


Well-Known Member
I know all about donating time etc, I moderate several forums etc.

Not trying to be a pita, just some spam can ruin your computer etc

Its the first time since I joined I saw so much in so little time... sorry I was worried about others on this forum


Well-Known Member
if you're a mod on other forums do you like it when posters but you on blast...if you're a mod wouldn't/shouldnt you know better?


Well-Known Member
And mods please feel free to delete this thread.

This is the best forum I have found and love the info I find on here
I know all about donating time etc, I moderate several forums etc.

Not trying to be a pita, just some spam can ruin your computer etc

Its the first time since I joined I saw so much in so little time... sorry I was worried about others on this forum
Thanks for your concern usually it does get caught by the spam filter or quickly deleted if it does get passed.


New Member
A moderator three minutes later. Love it. In the past two months i personally havent come across one spam thread. So seems like they are fulfilling their responsibilities :clap: Keep it up mods.