Toking up + Homework/essays?


Active Member
How does your smoking affect your school work? Right now I'm doing something for a biology course I'm taking (just basic stuff out of interest, mostly) and I just blazed out 20 of 55 pages of worksheets in a matter of 30 minutes, this shit is so easy now lol, I almost feel like a genious... except when I get sidetracked like right now on RIO lol.


Active Member
Not sure how you do that. I find it takes me ages to read stuff when I'm stoned, read the same sentence over and over.


Active Member
I think it depends on how your mind works... do you have multiple thoughts passing through at once and think about all of it or do you think about things one item at a time? I find I need external stimuli (music, tv, noise) or other assistance to "slow things down", which allows me to better focus and work faster.