Hello every body. .this will be my first blast and need some more info on the vacuum purging process. im shooting for shatter and would luv all info on the process from begging to the I have a griddle should I set it at 110° then set vacuum chamber on long do I keep the heat under the vacuum pot threw out the whole purging process??also how long do I run the pump for???when do I want to release the pressure???do I release every time oil turns into muffin or every hour??whats the. Concept on that??please explain. .also how long do I run the pump before shutting it off???also when do I more or less know my shatter or wax is purged..I know different strains and different things play on the out come,,please explain..thanks you..


Well-Known Member
What Twitch said. After filling your mind with the aforementioned tutorial, you will no doubt have a different list of questions, including some about the mental age and state of some of the posters.

Please do ask any process questions, eschewing as much as possible the personal sanity and legitimate birth questions that lead to meandering threads.

Bon appetite!