To those growing outside


Well-Known Member
You know I really have to give the outside growers credit. I'd NEVER grow outside. Even though I have some woods behind my house, I wouldn't risk it myself. You guys have balls. I'd just be affraid of getting caught, bugs, weather and everything... I like having control over what happens with my plants haha.


Well-Known Member
I suppose.. I'd just rather do it inside for safty reasons then more reliable season wise to do inside also lol... Like i wouldn't be able to plant outside right now lol but point taken


Well-Known Member
Grew my medical marijuana outside. It is easier in a way. Plants take a lot less attention. You just let mother nature handle a lot of it. But then there are the drawbacks...bugs. Those little buggers can wipe you out. So I have become totally indoors. Safer in several ways.


Well-Known Member
I grow both indoors and out.
You guys are right, in general, outdoors is much more stressful!
The grower has less control of the many variables involved in harvesting nice buds, and some times, really bad stuff happens!
I use container plants, and also put a bunch in the ground. The container plants can be moved if the need arises, in-ground plants stay put, and ride out all storms, hail, shearing winds....etc. yikes!

IMO, growing outdoors, (all things being equal), produces more potent it is worth the extra effort!...(most of the time!)

Indoor gardens are so much more relaxing, I find them soothing!


Well-Known Member
Outdoors does produce more potent buds but where I live there have been a huge number of medical marijuana grows ripped off. In a town of less then 21,000 at least 3 a week in the paper (in summer of course). Makes you wonder how many aren't even reported. So between the bugs, crazy weather and theives I went totally indoors. Image this Mogie & PMS!


Active Member
:joint: Growing weed outside is sketchy because of the pigs, little punks that jack ur weed, deer anmd rabbits, bugs, the weather and other dangers but growing inside may be a problem if ur living with other people who dissaprove like parents room mates ext also growing inside can be alot more costly from lights, elctricity bills, co2, ventialtion, ext and you have to take up space in your house which might not be available. :joint:


Well-Known Member
1st grow outside got riped off, next year the deer ate my buds. the next year got many pounds of the sweatest bud you ever saw.


Well-Known Member
Outside growing seems to go like that. Some crops are awesome and then there are the diasters.


Well-Known Member
i love the outdoors. nothing like the size alone. 8' plants awesome. i live in suburbia. older neighborhood. huge backyards. i had to hang a 20' tarp across my trees because my neighbors were giving their friends drunken garden tours over my back fence. caught them three times. then there was the peeping tom who would rather look in an empty bathroom window instead of looking over his shoulder and seeing my garden 10' away. cops chased him on foot half way across town. never did find out if they caught him. but the flavor and the all day high from outdoors cannot be beat. funny at the clubs people pay twice the price for indoor.?.


Well-Known Member
they are paying double for indoor. you can't give away outdoor right now. i could tell people it was indoor and they would believe me. i can't do that.


Active Member
where r u guys from? the indoor bud we have here is really good and the out door bud is also really good im from bc canada, so naterally i guess we do have the best bud in the world:hump:


Active Member
Yeah your right man. I grow outside for economical reasons. Growing outside has no energy costs and you don't have to convert a room in your house. I live on an acre of property that has an outdoor atrium. It's an outside growers dreamhouse. HAHAHA.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
yeah to me, I feel the opposite way too, many say outdoors is harder....NO WAY...outdoor is so much easier, for me at least, and theres sumthing so natural about it.....and plus, so many are indoor growing nowadays, u dont want outdoor growing to become a lost art!

Willie North

Well-Known Member
we had some crazy ass wind this summer
I thought my plants wernt going to make it, but they pulled through :)
outdoor growing is great, I love being outside