To poly or not to Poly?


Well-Known Member
Hi- this is my first grow. I am trying to improve my grow room and get it ready to cut and grow some clones. I was thinking to put up Poly film on three walls and hang in center of room to close of the light and condense the space its in.

This would make it 10X4 instead of 10 x13. SOund like a good idea?

Any other ideas that could improve this setup?



Well-Known Member
you should put up some walls. a wall with good reflective surface can increase yeild over 25%


Well-Known Member
How many plants are you wanting to go up to?

The closer the reflective surface, the more light is going to be reflected back to the plants.

Makes sense right?

Stick up the reflective poly sheeting on all sides, maybe make the space a bit smaller?

Try and neaten up the wires a bit too, it would suck if you got caught up in one. :P

Peace and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
ya- okay. Thanks. I would like to have around 30-50 more. But it just depends how many females come out of these five.

What do you make the walls out of? cardboard or?


Well-Known Member
ok- i've got the poly. will put it up soon as i get a chance- light is 1000W and it is on a light mover.

So i guess the easiest thing to do- is to throw poly on three walls and then making a small partition up until the air vent to close up the space a lil.

How far away from the light is it effective to have a plant?
(To give you an idea the ditance from the light box to the wall is 29" Exterior wall, 21" Left wall, 19" Right wall. At the lights farthest point.)
Does it make sense to just poly the walls and then build an Interior Poly wall say...29" away from light where there is currently no wall?


Well-Known Member
how far away as in hight or how far out the sides would the light travel left and right ? i`m a little buzzd


Well-Known Member
actually it gives pretty good light up to eight feet to the right. it might not make a plant grow as well as being under it though :P


Well-Known Member
i believe you said it was a 1000 watt. so that is normaly has best conditions at 5x5 foot erea.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if it's just me but am i missing something, there's smoke coming out of the ballast?

Maybe i'm just too stoned??

And Polly the floor if you want..

like check the attachment.

