To chop or not to chop?

That is the question.

I have found 6 seeds growing on two branches on my cali orange bud. The plant is 82days old. The plant is stinking and theres loads of bud on it but the pistols aren't very amber but I can make out that the trichs are cloudy/clear. Should I chop it down now before it hermies any further or should I just leave it to do its thing?:confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
I would personally use something like GHE RIPEN for a couple of days to make it finish a little quicker, here is the product info

N - P - K : 0 - 6 - 5

GHE Ripen is a unique product in our industry.GHE Ripen It is neither an additive nor a stimulator but a complete fertilizer that includes all that a plant needs to bring to term its ripening process... and nothing else.

GHE Ripen is a comprehensive plant nutrient used during the late flowering stage of the plant. It is specifically designed to speed up and enhance the ripening process, while increasing the content in active principles of medicinal, aromatic and culinary plants.

GHE Ripen is a mix of refined mineral salts and buffers, formulated by our laboratories with the greatest precision. Indeed, at this stage, accuracy is of the utmost importance: the plant, at the end of its life, is generally more fragile and the assimilation process is greatly reduced when compared with the vegetative phase.
GHE Ripen acts at different levels:
  • It gives the plant a strong signal that it is coming to the end of its life. The plant reacts by speeding the ripening process, in a last effort to spread its genes.
  • GHE Ripen It forces the plant to reinforce its defences and thus increase its active principles.
  • It brings to the plants all the mineral salts they need, in a form easy to assimilate.
  • GHE Ripen In case of a previous accumulation of nitrate or microelements, it helps metabolise these residues, which will improve the taste of the crop.
GHE Ripen has many properties:

  • Outdoors, it enables you to quickly harvest a crop, before it is spoiled by a cold and humid weather.
  • Indoors, it helps you harmonise the end of the cycle by speeding up the ripening of the slowest plants.
  • In case of a severe infestation of fungi or insects, it allows you to accelerate the natural cycle and get something out of a crop otherwise completely lost.It increases the active principle in medicinal plants.
GHE Ripen is adapted to soil and hydroponics, and all growing methods, no matter which nutrient was used during the plants life.The last 10 days of flowering add GHE Ripen in water with adjusted pH (5,5 to 6,5).In hydroponics : 4 - 5 ml/L with an EC of 1,8 to 2,2In soil : same dosage every other watering.

Also see charts on the labels of Flora-series and One Part.

By using the GHE RIPEN i managed to get some BBC clones through in 7 weeks as apposed to 9 due to male bananas showing up and me not being clean enough when tweezing them out. I accidentally spread the pollen in the area where the NANA's were and this RIPEN helped me to rush them through i used the ripen every other watering for a total of 7 days.

and didnt even flush afterwards with no detrimental effects on taste.

Before using it i was like you had clear and cloudy trich's after the 7 days of using it i had 10% amber trichs.



Well-Known Member
i think if ya let if go and ripen more any seeds you find will not be mature and won't make much difference.