Ok yes its just one plant, but the system that it is in is fairly small in comparison to many I've seen on this site ( I believe it holds about 32ounces give or take) , so as to scrubbing the inside of it, I dont think i could b/c theres a sponge medium above the resovoir that the jets shoot water into and below the sponges is a plastice mesh piece that would prevent me from getting in. But on the next box Im getting I will certainly keep that in mind. I have been getting a gallon of water and mixing the nutes to the spec's that are suggested on the nute bottles, but tinkering with it just a bit so as to keep the ppm of the water leveled out. My main concern was that I was not sure as to be adding nutrient added water to it every time I add water (about every night or so) or alternate by giving it distilled water, and then nutrient water. Which would you suggest?
Oh and for the Nutes , I am currently using FloraDuo A/B which seems to be doing well from what I can tell. But I went through a couple periods of over feeding early on >.< I will look into TechnaFlora Nutes, ty much for the feedback!