TiT's Big Project

Hello and thanks for your interest in my big project. I am a first time grower trying an organic indoor / outdoor combo.

I will try to make the catch up to this point as brief as possible.

I got some good seeds from a friend in Quebec. Guerilla's Gusto, TNR, Shaman and Himalayan gold, 4 seeds each. I read that, outdoors, these plants could produce up to a pound each, so my plan was grow these 16 seeds and take 5 or more clones from each, sex them, and keep in veg to plant in June the 5 best of each strain (20 plants total). I have a piece of land I can leave these where no man will disturb them. The catch is, that doesn't go for beast, nor can I return to it until harvest time.

So far I have made a bit of a mess of things. The seedlings came out of the seeds just fine, and grew well under a double 4ft phosphorescent light, for a few weeks. I transplanted the 20 biggest from a single container they were all growing in and they suffered bad. The leaves yellowed and died off, I thought it was transplant shock, but it happened to those not yet transplanted afterwards. There were little black flies, but only 2 or 3 visible at a time, I treated for this, but it was either to late or not the problem. Waterlogged roots could have been an issue also.

All that could be done was to harvest every growth shoot I could and try to root them, while putting the dying remains in 12/12 to try to catch the sex of these remaining clones, my last hopes.

This is where I am now, about 2-3 weeks in and while there has been some curling, I am hopeful that 90%+ clones will root and I will know their sexes when they do take root.

I am afraid that when they do take root and I transplant them in soil the same slow death will await these baby clones. My hope is that I will be able to post updates and a few growers with some experience can help me take on any problems as I go and help my first grow successful. Although it's been just short of a total failure so far, it's still be very fun planning and working so far.

I hope to have pictures, as well as a proposed feeding medium / schedule by this weekend. My cousin is lending me a very good camera with a macro lens (only 1:2 but still good, hopefully I can get some tubing to increase the magnification).

Until then, I have a few questions:

1.) When cloning with powder in damp Rockwool, a dry plastic tray and lid, how long should it take for me to see signs of rooting? How long until I should transplant?

2.) What is the best light (easily accessible) to photograph in when taking pics to upload to post for inspection?

I don't have a Internet connection at home and wouldn't come to this site from there if I did. I am very paranoid about this, I have always been paranoid about weed and have never been in trouble for it, so the systems working. Sadly, I have to drive almost 45 minutes to pirate a signal with my laptop and get online, but for the sage advice of this most active of grow sites, completely worth it. I have set up this account, as well as the email account it's founded on, entirely from peoples open Wi-Fi connections, so I also would welcome any help in email form.