Tis' be day 35. - Need help before harvest.


Well-Known Member
Tis' be day 35 of flowering and all trikes are milky white with some beginning to turn completely amber on some flowers. Pistils are all mostly dark brown with some even darker than that. This 11/13 cycle must have really rushed the plant. Buds are small and look very ripe. Again, only one or two flowers are beginning to turn amber... What is my window of time for harvest? I want a balanced high that isn't too stony:?::weed:

Thanks Much.

Sadistic Incubus

Active Member
let it ride, hold off 35 days into flowering is nothing, i'm on day 66 and most of my plants are covered in trichs but the majority of them are still milky, every time i pick up the scissors i have to just put them down and back away. your buds will start to plump out even more in the next few weeks.


Well-Known Member
let it ride, hold off 35 days into flowering is nothing, i'm on day 66 and most of my plants are covered in trichs but the majority of them are still milky, every time i pick up the scissors i have to just put them down and back away. your buds will start to plump out even more in the next few weeks.

Hmm, I mean I plan on holding off as long as the trich's are milky, but some of them are starting to amber so idk? Isn't that a sign that it is almost ready??? I don't want a really strong stone, just one that is relaxing and will make me a little bit sleepy... not a total knockout...


Well-Known Member
First you need to know when the strain of the plant you are growing is supposed to be done. It is usually at least 50 days so you still have some time to go.

Second you need to look at the whole plant overall, Is most of the plant clear, most of it amber and go by that. You also go by what is on the bud not the fan leaves as it is just what fell off the bud.

enclosed is the chart for extra help


Well-Known Member
Also make sure you are checking more then just 1 bud.... 1 bud may mature faster than another... Believe me, BELIEEEEEEEEEEEEVE ME, you do not want to pick early. We all as growers fiend especially when our buds taunt us like that but waiting till they are half amber/half cloudy will be an unmeasurable amount better... If you want a sativa high grow a sativa plant, trimming an indica early may give u what feels like that high but its really just the premature bud high which is yucky


Well-Known Member
First you need to know when the strain of the plant you are growing is supposed to be done. It is usually at least 50 days so you still have some time to go.

Second you need to look at the whole plant overall, Is most of the plant clear, most of it amber and go by that. You also go by what is on the bud not the fan leaves as it is just what fell off the bud.

enclosed is the chart for extra help
Thanks man, I have no clue what strain it is.. The whole plant overall is a medium milky white (trich) and I am looking at buds only. I am guessing that it has 10 days because some of the pistils under the top bud are still slightly white.. The weird thing is that everywhere else the pistlis are dark orange and almost crumbly looking. Maybe 1-2% of the plant is starting to amber. It's some sort of sativa hybrid.. Idk it's so weird. I'm not rushing to pick to smoke or anything I just don't want to be too late so the high is too heavy in the body..