tips, being ready first!

jimmy slim big

Well-Known Member
so i started my first grow and im 2 weeks into veg, theres alot im learning as i go but i was hoping some of you seasoned growers could share some tips and maybe some secrets so me and the other greenhorns wont have so many issues.... wich im sure i will as i learn anyways.... but yea if anyone has any input as far as getting setup, being ready and dont have to run to the store everynight lol thanks all!!!
so you started a grow without a place to grow it? I would think step one would be building your grow cab - whatever that may be. I used to do the big tupperware bin grows, then I tried PC case grows and never went back. Point is, I would definitely have a space setup before I germinated my seeds.


Well-Known Member
so i started my first grow and im 2 weeks into veg, theres alot im learning as i go but i was hoping some of you seasoned growers could share some tips and maybe some secrets so me and the other greenhorns wont have so many issues.... wich im sure i will as i learn anyways.... but yea if anyone has any input as far as getting setup, being ready and dont have to run to the store everynight lol thanks all!!!
first. what are you plans for a setup, or type of setup

jimmy slim big

Well-Known Member
i have a space... i built a 4x6x6 box i have 1,000 watt hps light... anyways all i was asking i guess was for you to share your ways not "bark" at me ..... thanks though


Well-Known Member
I'm still fairly new to growing got about six or seven grows
I've learnd is
you never stop Learning
know your toxicity and defficiencys
get to know your plants learn how to read them.
and find out what works best for you and your plants

there's tricks and shit you can do. Topping fiming lst scrog
all that Info is easy to find

dont really think there's any big secrets to it


Well-Known Member
Learn and memorize the 16 elements plants need. Then always read the back of the nutrient label to make sure they are all covered and your not overloading on certain ones. No matter what the guy trying to sell you something says remember the 16 elements and stick to it. There are products that optimize the delivery of those 16 elements to your plants.