tips and comments needed


ok open for all tips and opinions i just mainily wanna know is how long do i have left and what can i do to make them better
two are clones and one is from seed, all are bag seed.
flowering under about 720 actual cfl watts

noobie first grow with cheap everything



Well-Known Member
My guess would be a couple more weeks.. You could start to flush and use molasses, 1 tablespoon per gallon. It does lower your ph a little just so you know.


Active Member
I still see some white pistils, so you can probably go another week or so. Best way to tell is the trich color. I'd get a jewelers loupe and check them, for the most accurate answer.


Active Member
looks way over done, all the trichomes have virtually disapearred right? has no fan leaves, it will keep sending out those stupid tiny ugly leaves you see forever, also white hairs. how many weeks is that thing been flowering i guess 10.