Tip of leaves turning yellow,,,,help! (PIC)


Well-Known Member
My soil is hydroponex potting soil, ph'd at 6.5 . My water is ph'd the same. My lights arent too close. Temp is a steady 75*, with a fan blowing and plenty of good air. The baby is 9 days old. I have picked up some nutes, is it time to add nutes? Thanks for any help.



Well-Known Member
most times ppl say not to nute til atleast 2 weeks old and normaly that yellowing of tips would be nute burn but in such a youngster im not sure


Well-Known Member
I don't know how big your pots are or really anything about your grow but you might want to check out my grow journal or just search Hyponex I think thats what you meant Hyponex soil in the black in purple bag? If so that soil really sux I used it and my plants started with yellow tips like that then just kept getting worse so I switch soil and the difference was night and day. Hyponex has alot of clay and retains too much water below the surface and none on top so over watering is almost inevitable. But I don't think you should use nutes either way but I'm new to this.
Hey i use miracle grow im my set up, but my leaves tips are starting to turn yellow, im talking the very tip tip of the leaves but just about everyone has it cept for the new growths but usually they get it too. Any good Soil brands i should switch too? im under a budget so keep that in mind, but i could afford to scale up from miracle grow.