Tiny Black bug invasion!


First off I want to thank everyone on this forum, this is my first year growing outdoors and I don't think I could have been even close to as successful as I feel I have without RIU!!!!!! I just took a trip out to my semi guerilla spots and noticed an invasion of these tiny black bugs, so small i thought it was pollen or seeds from the grasses around. After looking under my 60x magnifier I could tell it was a bug of some sort. I Am about 7 weeks into flowering so I'm not sure what or if I can spray these or not. These have been grown all organically using compost teas. The strains I have going are crimea blue, cali hash plant, the ultimate, and biddy early inthis spot. Any Advice from the pros will be very much appreciated!



Active Member
They resemble worm droppings but as you stated you identified them as bugs through your 60x magnifier.
IMO then the most likely pest your battling is Aphids. There are many types sizes and colors but mainly they prefer the underside of leaves and stem.
Increased ant activity usually follows an Aphid infestation as they chase the honeydew that the aphid excretes when feeding. That same honeydew can cause mold on plants.

(Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California - Aphid Information)

Choose A Weapon
Insect Soap - www.amazon.com/Safer-Brand-Insect-Killing-Soap/dp/B000BQL8UY

Neem Oil - http://www.amazon.com/Garden-Safe-93179-16-Ounce-Neem/dp/B004QAWGIO

in addition there are home batch remedies using garlic, peppers, veggie oil etc that are effective

How close to harvest can you spray? I would say 2 weeks out is very safe, later has been done.