Times for Indicas vs. Sativas


Active Member
Hey guys Im just a wannabee grower, been studying for awhile... And I would appreciate it if you guys could give me some clarification on both veggying and flowering times for indicas and sativas and time that a whole harvest would take pretty much. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
there are no set vegging times for plants and alot of different strains vary in their flowering time as well, i can tell you indicas generally have a shorter flower time like somewhere between 6 and 10 weeks while sativas generally take longer to flower, like 9 to 13 weeks, hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Sativas usually take longer to veg and flower than Indicas.

As far as the time goes it really depends on A LOT of things. Strain, Lighting, etc. I have had some Indicas become sexually mature at 1 month and some take 2 months or even longer. Sativas usually (In my experience) have taken 1 1/2 months- 3 months to become mature.

Now for Flowering, from what I have seen, Indicas usually have a flowering time from 55 days - 85 days or maybe longer.
I have seen Sativa flowering times go all the way up to 120 days or even more.

When you buy seeds, the Seed Bank will show and Indoor flowering time (Roughly) and an outdoor month at which time the plants should be ready to harvest.

So in total you are looking at:

Indicas: 3 1/2 months - 5 months

Sativas: 4 1/2 months - 6 months

For a final Product (not counting drying and curing times)

Hope this helps :)