Timers and CFLs.


How are you people using timers with you CFLs?

What do I need to look for when buying CFLs in regards to using them on a basic timer plug?



Well-Known Member
I just get the ones that look like a power strip. Four or so timed receptacles and the same in the timer. I run everything off it with no problems (14-16 23w, inline fan, oscillating fan, etc)


Well-Known Member
I have a timer with 1 outlet on the bottom, you can buy them with more. Then I plug an extension into that with 3 more outlets on it, and I have the other outlet on the wall giving me 4 outlets total, and another couple more if needed with another extension cord. My lights are on the cord plugged into the timer, and the fan goes directly into the wall.


I was under the impression that cheaper CFLs didn't allow a timer to keep time. Does it work because there is an extension in between them?


Well-Known Member
No it will work regardless..
Anything you plug into the timer and set it to turn off at a certain time, it will.