Timer setting


Active Member
Post your timer settings!:)

intake - 24/7
exhaust - only when my lights are on
oscilating fan - 24/7


Well-Known Member
Lights Currently Veg 8am - 2am
Exhaust only on when lights are on.
Circulating Fan 24/7


Well-Known Member
lights on when they are on,,,for flower at the mo....
exhaust only when lights are on
fan only when lights are on
seems to work :^)


Active Member
lights on when they are on,,,for flower at the mo....
exhaust only when lights are on
fan only when lights are on
seems to work :^)
hey jats.. no air circulation when the lights are off? whats your air temp?


Well-Known Member
mine are in flower right now...so here is the flower schedule ;-)

HIDs on 9pm - 9am
UVB is on from 11pm - 4 am if door is closed
circulating fan and room exhaust fan on 24 hrs
inline fan for cooling lights and ballasts is on while lights are on, and while lights are off until discharge temperature is below 90F.
water pumps to flood ebb/flow system come on once at 9pm, and then flood once every other hour, until the last flood at 9 am.
air pumps come on for 5 mins before each flood to oxygenate reservoir, and stay on until flooding is complete.
green "night lights" (so i can see) are not on a timer, but come on if the door is open, and the HIDs are off.. they are incandescent and green so they wont mess up the plants while they are "sleeping"...

I did this with a programmable logic controller - the timers weren't cutting it for me ;-)


Well-Known Member
REALLY, Everyone here turns their exhaust off when the lights are out. Even in Flower? I keep mine on all the time through flower or my house would smell like a Amsterdam coffee house!