Timer failure

Should I push the time back, or keep my current schedule?

  • Push time back

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Keep schedule

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • It doesn't matter... You're already screwed dumbass.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
This morning my timer failed. My plant is in it's flowering stage, about 2 weeks in. The timer should've kicked the lights on at 5:30 AM, but it did not do so. I just noticed a few minutes ago, so the plant missed out on 6 hours of light today. Should I just keep my current schedule and have the lights turn off at 5:30 PM, or should I push my time back to give the plant 12 hours today? It is also possible that the timer missed it's last "off" switch and stayed on until 5:30 AM until it hit it's next switch (which was supposed to turn the light on). Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I agree. The sad thing is I don't know if it had too much light also. I'm going to have to start watching it like a hawk. Thanks for your reply. I hope it doesn't hermie. Assuming it does, would you pick the balls off, and hope for the best, or would you allow it to pollenate itself and get some feminized seeds?

Edit: Sorry, I'm new around here. How do I "like" your reply?


Well-Known Member
I agree. The sad thing is I don't know if it had too much light also. I'm going to have to start watching it like a hawk. Thanks for your reply. I hope it doesn't hermie. Assuming it does, would you pick the balls off, and hope for the best, or would you allow it to pollenate itself and get some feminized seeds?

Edit: Sorry, I'm new around here. How do I "like" your reply?
Imo you should be ok. I've had to move my plants and keep them in the dark for over 48 hours with no ill effects.