Time to harvest?


Active Member
is she done yet? this is my first grow, its been 8 weeks, this strain has a short flower time, i have like 90% red hairs but no magnifying glass to check trics. id appreciate your help... Also, what happens if they flower for too long? is that possible? does the quality reduce or anything?



Well-Known Member
i got a small hand help one with a eye glass repair kit for $1, you can see the trics heads just fine with that


New Member
The longer it goes, it will get better until it starts decomposing or something. But I would say those buds look almost done:bigjoint:


Active Member
not all strains will have trichs change to amber..i read a big right up on this and its true, my strain i just grew never changed to milky or amber.


Active Member
thanks for all your help guys, I let them go about another 2 weeks after those pics were taken... they are coming down today. the extra 2 weeks made a big difference. this is my first grow so I dont want to rush it.