Time of day to harvest?


Well-Known Member
what time do you guys harvest at?
I've read that some say it doesn't matter, while others say early morning due to starches being stored in the root zone?

If that's true, does anyone have a link to back up the claim


Well-Known Member
Well when I harvest I usually start in the morning and continue all damn day cause my gardens are decent sized and from what I've gathered the shit I'm chopping in the morning is just as delicious as the shit I'm chopping in the evening go figure lol If I tried to just harvest in the morning hours only id be harvesting forever .......lol. But I do start in the morning


Well-Known Member
I only grow micro. I cut in the evening while sipping a drink and watching tv. And I don't get in a hurry at all. No method or science to it. That's just when I feel like doing it and how I want to do it.