Time limit on growing. any suggestions?


Active Member
My roommate and I recently got 7 plants from a friend. We had to transplant them into bigger pots, only 1 died, R.I.P. Another one was a male so we killed it. They are now finishing their 5th week and all 5 are female. Each of them are under 2-26watt daylight cfls.
We also started 2 more seeds, one bagseed and a feminized blue monkey balls(I think) from a club, about 2 weeks ago. Each of these seeds are just getting 1-26 watt daylight cfl.
We are using a closet that is 3'x6'x8'. Right now we have a total of 12-26 watt cfls on 7 plants. We are getting a 400 watt hps light in a week or two. And to make things interesting I have to be out of my apartment by the end of june(preferably a little bit before).
My plan was to take 1 or 2 clones from the 3 largest plants and let the clones root as the seeds veg to flower. I'm planning to have around 10-12 plants to flower. Then I will use the 400 watt hps with a couple of daylight and soft light cfls to flower.

I was just wondering if there was a different approach to yeild more without sacrificing quality. Suggestions are always welcome.


Well-Known Member
Sing to them! ;)

You could also try using the best fertilizers, using CO2 also can help and basically just keep them as healthy as possible.