Time kills Terpes?


Well-Known Member
So I'm on my 6th round in a perpetual grow of serious seeds Bubblegum. I have been letting it go 10weeks total in flower. 8 with nutes two flushing. I have noticed that weeks 5-7 I have the strongest bubble gum candy amazing smell. But come harvest time it turns to a catpiss smell(not bad kinda dank but not the bubblegum I want) could it be possible I'm going to long. I usually go by the 50% amber rule but this s high sativa strain. I have a 60x loupe but have trouble looking into it clearly and don't wanat to cut off a bud to look. Thanks in advance for the help. -cheers :)


Well-Known Member
i personally don't care about amber. and if i did i would only go about 25%.also, 10 weeks seems a little long. as long as they are 100% cloudy you should be good to harvest. maybe that will help as far as you keeping that smell you want.


Well-Known Member
I have let plants go way over waiting for the amber trichs that never appear..
on other strains the trichs turn amber right on time.. if there are no amber trichs by the time they all turn white..
I harvest.. could it be strain dependent?