TI nail ?

whats so different about an oil set up?

I am looking into buying a proper oil smoking piece for my bong... whats the best to get? just the plain nail sketches me out. the glass dome over it makes me think it would work a million times better??

domeless nails work just fine, but i recommend you go with the nail and glass dome if youre more comfortabe with it.

as far as what is the best to get? depends on how much youre willing to pay man.
ok sorry, not what the best brand is, but the best type?

I just cant see how just a nail in the bong and air coming through that swirly piece would be enough to suck the smoke down... in my bong at least. 14mm, triple perc, perc diffuser, ask catcher.. smoke goes through water 6 times, it has some resistance to it. otherwise the nails can be found on ebay for 25$, grade 2 titanium with papers to prove it, or with a glass dome for like 60 or 70$ bucks.

and then theres those glass bowls with a glass dabber??

and then theres those swinging ti pads?

has anyong ever heard of an "atom smasher" or something like that?
ok sorry, not what the best brand is, but the best type?

I just cant see how just a nail in the bong and air coming through that swirly piece would be enough to suck the smoke down... in my bong at least. 14mm, triple perc, perc diffuser, ask catcher.. smoke goes through water 6 times, it has some resistance to it. otherwise the nails can be found on ebay for 25$, grade 2 titanium with papers to prove it, or with a glass dome for like 60 or 70$ bucks.

and then theres those glass bowls with a glass dabber??

and then theres those swinging ti pads?

has anyong ever heard of an "atom smasher" or something like that?

with the dome its very easy to suck the smoke down... it doesnt take much at all and I donlt think the resistance of your bong wil make any diffence whatsoever.
hmmm. interesting. I might order just a nail and a torch and try it out.

definitely go for it, you dont need a lot of diffusion for dabs though, just to let you know. make sure all the joints fit together hehe dont mix anything up
I have a swing. It lets be dab with my bong rather than gettin a dedicated rig. And poplars is right you don't really need it to go through much water to be smooth. I partially fill the bottom of my bong to reduce drag, I do not get the diffuser wet so the vapor just goes through the showerhead perc. This cools it down nicely. That being said at some point I probably will get an earl rig, something with super light drag.
I tried using the same rig for both oil and bud, but now use separate pipes, because the bud pipe's ash tray taste and smell soon overpower the delicate nuances of some of the oil terpenes.

We subjected the HMK swing skillet pipe, the KO Domeless Ti Nail, and the Agnostic Taoist Oil Well, with our own Ti wand, to a test panel, to determine preferences, and the vote came out pretty close, because different patients have different needs. They will all three deliver dosages from not quite enough to just too, too much, and all three provide full flavor, but each has its stong points.

I suggest trying all three general systems before deciding, but you won't be far off with any one of them, and they all will get the job done.

Here's a link to our study:http://skunkpharmresearch.com/vaporizing-oil/
very interesting study. thats pretty cool.

so if I keep a big bowl of ash in my bowl (very clean, white ash thats super pooched... especially after an oil toke or 2) .. is that "bad"?? I normally light it with a lighter, and its been just fine.. super super tasty still. but ive been recently lighting it with a hemp wick... not a huge difference. the hoots definitely arent as tasty as a direct blade hoot though, but a lot smoother and dont burn the lungs nearly as bad when smoke is going through water 6 times other than smoke off a red fuckin hot blade.

I am very interested to try this "vaporizing" style through the bong via TI nail.
My standard answer is that smoking any cannabus is bad, regardless of how you light it. Incomplete combustion of the terpenes can create carcinogenic byproducts of pyrolysis like Benzene. Just like cigarettes!

I still do smoke bud, because I like the taste, but not without reflecting on what a bad idea it is.

Do try vaporizing! It not only works very well, it produces none of the byproducts of concern, and tastes way better.
My standard answer is that smoking any cannabus is bad, regardless of how you light it. Incomplete combustion of the terpenes can create carcinogenic byproducts of pyrolysis like Benzene. Just like cigarettes!

I still do smoke bud, because I like the taste, but not without reflecting on what a bad idea it is.

Do try vaporizing! It not only works very well, it produces none of the byproducts of concern, and tastes way better.

I really don't htink it's fair to call it bad. especially when there is no serious evidence backing up smoked cannabis causing cancer or long term lung conditions such as emphasema (even though there is prescence of carcinogens and free radicals, the medicinal benefits of cannabis seem to equalize these effects, when you look at the statistics......AND the scientific evidence.)

I'm totally all about dabbing ice waxes and oils when they are safe, but to down on bud smokers is pretty foolish when the evidence /really/ isn't there.
I really don't htink it's fair to call it bad. especially when there is no serious evidence backing up smoked cannabis causing cancer or long term lung conditions such as emphasema (even though there is prescence of carcinogens and free radicals, the medicinal benefits of cannabis seem to equalize these effects, when you look at the statistics......AND the scientific evidence.)

I'm totally all about dabbing ice waxes and oils when they are safe, but to down on bud smokers is pretty foolish when the evidence /really/ isn't there.

No where did I down on bud smokers,or anyone else. I downed on combusting cannabis products, instead of vaporizing them.

I'm also not limiting vaporizing to concentrates, as you can also vaporize bud....................

And how foolish would I be if Iignored the fact that smoking cannabis has already given me COPD? How fair would it be keeping that secret to myself?

Does having a lower lung cancer rate than smoking cigarettes make you comfortable? It would take a lower lung cancer rate than non smokers, to make me comfortable.
No not confusing anything, dab essentials makes a Diffrent style domeless nail I've seen the moat designs around but poorly thought out very heavy and doesn't maintain heat as well as dab essentials brand

Azweepei you wouldent beleave what's on the come up in Cali concentrate wise I'm lucky anough my best friend is a dab essentials distributer so I get hookeded up with all the new shit coming out, check out the link for there domeless nail on the link below

maybe you are confusing the domeless Ti with the 3 hole concentrate bowl? all the domeless i have seen or used is being called 'kings moat' dish type meaning, the center part of the domeless has the hole through the top and the moat around the hole tower. vaping concentrate rises up and is breathed through the hole. the 3 hole design is built the same as all other glass bowls you have seen. the difference is, no hole in the bottom of the bowl, instead having 3 tiny holes around the rim to catch vapor that rises up as you 'stab' a red hot glass wand into the bottom of the bowl. ...unless those dabb freeks out in cali have more new shit that its just not being seen mainstream yet. :clap: