Three weeks old today....seem small...But bushy


Well-Known Member
I'm vegging with six 2' T5 HO flouros.....Are these small for three weeks???....The plant on the right has it's 4th node and 4 branches sprouting under the big fan first grow.....I watched a you tube video called ...I grow chronick...and at three weeks his plants were like 8 inches....but they only had like three nodes....mine already have 4 nodes at only an inch and a half....still though they seem small??


Well-Known Member
how far away is your lighting, that'd be the primary reason for the short node spacing. As for small, some seeds are stronger starter than others but i'm sure provided good lighting and waterings that those plants will turn out perfectly normal. And the lighting for now may be a bit too much, also a waste of electricity.


Well-Known Member
I keep the lights about an inch away....I was under the impression that as long as you dont burn them, closer is better.


Well-Known Member
I keep the lights about an inch away....I was under the impression that as long as you dont burn them, closer is better.
In most cases this holds true, but if you back the light off maybe to 6+ inches you will see the difference. If you have had the lights that close since seedling stage I'd almost guarantee that is your problem.


Active Member
why should he back up the lighting, i dont see how this is a problem....... shorter bushier plants is better than tall stretched ones


Well-Known Member
Where are all the pros chime in on whether I'm keeping my lights too close and if thats the reason my plant is so small and bushy????


Well-Known Member
I kept my lights pretty close to my plants since they sprouted. My plants are small and bushy (pics in journal link below), but much larger than yours.

However, I have also read that you don't need to keep lights that close during the seedling stage. My plants are small and compact, but I think they could use a good stretch.

I also question: can a plant get too much light?
For example, one of my plants is pretty droopy -> will a plant invest in perking up its leaves for max surface area even if it gets enough light w/o doing so?

I guess an example would be: if you water your roots too much, they don't grow out as much and become root bound. So, if you give your plants more light than they need, will they stop stretching for the light?


Well-Known Member
if you have 6 2't5 im pretty sure you can get away with having it a lot further than inch, move the lights up and see if they stretch out a little bit.


Well-Known Member
Update: I raised my T5 lights to 6 inches away and in one day I can see a huge difference....The leaves are all perked up, raising up to the lights...and it seems to have turbo boosted the growth...what a difference 24 hours makes


Active Member
do you pH your water? Rockwool must be kept at a certain pH to work effectivly or your plants will look like yours. Get a digital pH pen and test your water...anything below 5.5 is bad and anything about 6.3 is bad. Keep it inbetween the two and your problems will go away..i Promise.

This is why I dont like using rockwool because a constant pH must be kept to make it work effectivly...but once you get this down will see why Rockwool was invented =)