Thoughts on the pros and cons of letting a crop run longer than usual?


Well-Known Member
In my last run, I wasn't ready to harvest when they were due by conventional thinking so I let it run extra long that time. Not to say that running long was a real factor here, but it was an exceptionally good crop and I've been using the same 2 phenos for years now.

I know I often see feedback given that people harvest too early and I'm starting to become a believer. I've let one go to somewhere around 12 or 13 weeks now after that and I'm wondering what the implications are, how long could you go without detrimental effects, etc.

Currently I'm contemplating 12 vs 14 weeks as the next thing to try. What observation points would you watch to check for things becoming counter productive?
Most of my hybrids I take to 11-12 weeks. I don't check trichomes, just the overall appearance of the plant. I have yet to harvest anything that was what I consider over ripe. People that focus on trichomes will freak out and say that the Amber is degrading THC and you'll lose potency with it converting to CBN but I haven't found that to be the case for me at 12 weeks. I just prefer mature buds that have fat swollen calyxes and are flopping all over the place as they pack weight on in the last week or two. Harvest when the plant is ripe and don't worry about the time frame.
I have never flowered a plant until it was dead, just dead. And I am not aware of any flower or vegetable that benefitted from such treatment. There is unripe, ripe, and overripe. Keep us apprised of your investigations.
I like to let them get nice and ripe. One time I let a couple plants go really long, like normally I harvest them at 11-12 weeks and these didn't get harvested until 20+ weeks. One got a bunch of mold in the big buds, so it was obviously too long for that one. The other one was fine and actually pretty good smoke. The smell was definitely reduced in the last couple weeks, but neither had any of the supposed couch lock/narcotic effect you hear people talk about. Maybe that's strain dependent, I dunno.

I would say the only reason to stop letting them ripen would be mold. There is probably a point of diminishing returns as far as terpene and cannabinoid production goes, but the window where you can harvest and it will still be "good shit" is at least 1-2 months.
Me personally? --i pull my shit on the early side, mainly for timing reasons; I always run out of smoke before the next batch is finished :lol: and I only grow for myself, I can get away with doing that.

I've maybe ran two plants past what I would consider "prime ripe", and they both seemed to lack a bit of aroma & flavor but were otherwise fine. Honestly though? --my "early" weed is terpy & heady enough for me to enjoy, and I get slightly quicker turnarounds.
Currently I'm contemplating 12 vs 14 weeks as the next thing to try. What observation points would you watch to check for things becoming counter productive?
Pls observe the difference in leaf color / senescence. And trich color. And bud size. And post pics
My old guerilla partner was/is so friggin anal about letting it go until the very end . Dude is one hell of an guerilla grower though . Never read a book or once seen a web forum . Just has a feel for the plant .
I also kept up with mild N inputs throughout mid-flower these last two times so these next couple of weeks are all about finishing off. I'm waiting for the green to fade and will probably be RO water + biologicals + fulvic/humic supplements for another week and then decide if it's going to be a final countdown to 12 or 14 this time.

Interesting to hear that mold problems came about for someone from the extended time and packing on the extra density. Myself I quit aiming for super big/thick buds after the first couple of grows and some loss to mold. Now I break any big buds up when jarring them to get around that - I'm not trying to impress anyone or hold any show & tells so I'd rather eliminate the risk and get better (safer) curing myself.

They may get one last round of Recharge as well to get some of the molasses and kelp in there, then chased with some Photo+ and MammothP. From there on, water only for the last couple weeks.
Every plant is different. And every grow will be different. The tops will be done before the bottoms, that’s why I do a even flat canopy to get them all done at the sameish time. I also think it will depend if you believe in having a healthy plant until the end, or a faded flushed dead end of life plant
THC converts to CBN, Terpenes can start to degrade especially if the temps are high but in the same hand not letting them ripen enough can reduce terpenes too.
11-13 weeks is the sweet spot for me most of the time.

one plant I had that was ready at 10 weeks I took a clone of and let it go 20 just to try it. Smell and flavor were definitely kind of flat but the high was good. It also turned a reddish brown color in the jar instead of green and purple like the 10 week buds.
Taking a strain that normally finishes in 10-11 weeks (actual time, not breeder estimate) isn't going to benefit from going 12-14. It'll just be overripe.

I can envision a long flowering sativa that is good at 14 weeks, but spectacular at 20. Really the plant should go 20, but is taken at 14 out of necessity.

Most plants don't go that long. 10-11 weeks is the norm ime.
I find most strains are done by 70 days. But not all. I've gone 77 days in my bigger rooms and even longer in a tent once. Not sure as I lost track but she was prob 80ish days and the only bad thing was lost a few grams to bud rot but not much. It looked very done and did not seem to be benefiting from more time, so I harvested it.

I have pheno hunted everything I run now and all done by day 65, I'd prob take a one or two of the strains I run to 70 if I harvested for flower but all mine goes to hash.
There’s definitely a point of degradation. I’ve let plenty cultivars go beyond the “window” many times out of pure laziness. Also have harvested at different times same plant. The effects of potency is definitely speculative without lab test which I have never done but I can assure you taste is dramatically compromised when left too long. Those terpenes take a big hit after that windows starts closing.