Thought I'd say hi.


Active Member
I'm glad I found this place. There seems to be a ton of people with a wealth of information. I've been reading a ton of threads and have found a lot of things that I never bothered to think about. Thanks to all the info, I'm gonna start a stealth grow soon.:peace:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Welcome and FAQ if you're growing... :p

HAHA Twisty.... Thanksgiving hasn't even arrived yet and you already have your Christmas decorations up. You must really be looking forward to it .... is Santa bringing you something good? :mrgreen:


Active Member
I'm glad I found this place. There seems to be a ton of people with a wealth of information. I've been reading a ton of threads and have found a lot of things that I never bothered to think about. Thanks to all the info, I'm gonna start a stealth grow soon.:peace:
I welcome you Jimmy, and i hope you welcome me as well. I'm new too. Been reading up on the plethora of Aerogarden info and i want to join the fad.


Active Member
Welcome and FAQ if you're growing... :p
I've been reading pretty much everything thing stickied at the top of all the different sections. I'm a big fan of doing adequate research on something I plan on participating in.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone.