Well-Known Member
Are ya out there? Nice to meet ya! I never met anyone alike. Simply don’t produce 11oh.
How do you get by? What technologies have you heard of that are upcoming for those users? Tried extended release, nothing.
If you have no tips, I have one for you, sublingual. Too weak? Because it absorbs slower than smoking, hitting weaker. Sucks. Works though. Did not know rso was sublingual. Thats the best it can get sadly.
Try letting it seep over course of time with low tollerance, multi doses. have fun lol.
How do you get by? What technologies have you heard of that are upcoming for those users? Tried extended release, nothing.
If you have no tips, I have one for you, sublingual. Too weak? Because it absorbs slower than smoking, hitting weaker. Sucks. Works though. Did not know rso was sublingual. Thats the best it can get sadly.
Try letting it seep over course of time with low tollerance, multi doses. have fun lol.