This soil mix seem ok? First grow!!

Ganga Cook

Hey guys first grow coming up this spring (outdoor) and Im just trying to get as much good info as I can before fucking shit up. Got my strains picked out and most of my soil products. So far my soil is gonna contain potting soil, perlite, lots of worm castings, dolomite lime, blood meal, and bone meal. I also have some guanos for watering and top dressings, mexican bat guano high in nitrogen to make tea for the veg. stage and some indonesian guano to make tea for the flowering (good phospherous source). How does all this sound? Been doing my research and this is how I wanna do it. Sounds like a lot of stuff but I dont plan to over fertilize them, maybe use the teas every 3rd watering or so. Any comments would be great, cant get enough info. Wanna get it right the first time, lots of money in materials and especially my seeds.


Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Bone Meal is alkaline so don't also add lime until after the soil is mixed, tested and shown to be too acidic. Potassium is the primary flowering nutrient and your plan seems to be very deficient in K. Palm Bunch Ash is the best source of organic K. It too is very alkaline.

Ganga Cook

I was searching for a good source of potassium but wasnt sure of what I should use. Im going the organic route. I came across this stuff called meat-k I think im gonna try. Should it be getting potassium all throughout the growth or just during a certain stage, or more during one stage or the other? All I know is they like nitrogen for veg and more Phospherous during flowering. Thanks

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
The NPK nutrients are the three primary macronutes that all plants need at all times, except for clones and seedlings that aren't yet receiving any nutrients at all. Different plants need different nutrient levels and variety is usually a very good thing. That said, most vegging plants will do well with ratios close to 5-3-3 and most flowering plants do best around 3-4-5. Some, such as many indicas, need a little more N in all phases of growth and still others need some extra P. Start with the above ratios and adjust slightly if you see any deficiencies.

You are correct about plants usually needing more N in veg but Potassium (K) is the primary flowering nutrient. Here's the best source of organic K I know of:

Ganga Cook

I will use that stuff. Looks good to me, appreciate the help. Will that potash make the ph too far off and if so how should I go about balancing it out?