This site is frustrating the hell out of me.


Well-Known Member
So I've been browsing the site for info on growing in Ohio, and I just can't help but notice that there's a shitload of growers here in Ohio who are growing absolutely BEAUTIFUL product and high quality shit. Meanwhile, I'm stuck in the middle of fucking nowhere and the best strain I can get around here is "weed that doesn't have shit sprayed on it."

Then I think to myself, "perhaps I could contact these growers and obtain some of their product, so I too could experience the happiness of home-grown, safe, potent ganja" and then I realize that I can see virtually no way to do this safely, as I have no way of knowing if said growers are cops, and they have no way of knowing if I am a cop, and even if there was a way I'm pretty sure RIU doesn't want people selling drugs on their site.

And don't even get me started about the fact that there aren't any fucking headshops for a good hour so I can't buy a glass bong without making a damn road trip.

Also fucking salvia is illegal too. At least we're decriminalized though.

newbie grow420

Active Member
Do your homework and get some seeds from a good supplier i.e. nirvana attitude whereever you trust. Get some good lights nutes and a grow space and anywhere from 2 to 6 months later depending on the strain and veg time you too can have good quality shit. My first has been great so far the shit I got is better than brick but still not dealer quality. But thats with a shitty setup next time it will get better not so many mistakes


Active Member need to spend a lil time on here, and grow your own meds...youll have whatever strains your lil lungs desire and you wont be paying a shitload out..Of course it will be an initial investment but once your set-up and its rollin...smooth sailing, its a cool hobby, and you will be set and happy...just my 2 cents...


Well-Known Member
Do your homework and get some seeds from a good supplier i.e. nirvana attitude whereever you trust. Get some good lights nutes and a grow space and anywhere from 2 to 6 months later depending on the strain and veg time you too can have good quality shit. My first has been great so far the shit I got is better than brick but still not dealer quality. But thats with a shitty setup next time it will get better not so many mistakes
Trust me bro, if growing was an option I would be bathing in buds, but sadly it's not. I'm a senior in highschool (yes, 18, leave me alone lol) and I still live with the 'rents. Next year I'll be in college, so I'll be in dorms at least a year. Then I'll find myself an off-campus house and do a grow, but obviously I don't really want to wait 2 years until the next time I smoke, so I just have to find decent shit. I tend to get paranoid when I smoke, so I definitely need the peace of mind that comes with knowing how and where it's coming from and what it is, and homemade pieces freak me out too so it's either all glass or all paper.

Either way, I need desperately to find a good supplier, but there is a very unfortunate lack of stoners around here who have the same mindset as me. I don't smoke with those idiots who think they're "gangsta" or some shit, and that sums up all the fellow potheads I know.

I'm a spiritual being, and I smoke as part of an ongoing journey trying to understand the way the world works and to bring things into a new perspective. Hopefully one day I can trip, too, and expand my mind even farther (only safe shit of course). I like a nice bowl at the end of a day and some Floyd or Led Zeppelin or Rush or Kyuss or Hendrix (I could go on forever).

I need to find similarly minded people to smoke with instead of assholes even more than I need to find a reliable dealer who gives me confidence. I would gladly pay double what I pay a gram now for peace of mind when I toke up.


Well-Known Member
man you came to the wrong place.

unless you get that lucky PM, you're probably not going to get any hookups on here. and the mods are totally against it, and it's against the rules.


Well-Known Member
man you came to the wrong place.

unless you get that lucky PM, you're probably not going to get any hookups on here. and the mods are totally against it, and it's against the rules.
I'm not asking for hookups at all, I'm just expressing frustration that there's probably some grower growing really good pot somewhere near me and I have no way of finding them. Even if someone was to PM me, I'm probably too paranoid to follow up on it.

To the Mods, definitely don't take this thread as me looking for drugs, I'm just pissed off that all I ever find is schwag.


Active Member
well, maybe you need to reword your posts...
If your looking for some new hook-ups you need to put yourself out there. go to your local (k) or smoke shops and ask the person who gets blunt wraps etc... , or something along those lines... good luck, dude. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Would you honestly advise just hanging out in tobacco stores and waiting for someone to come in and buy a blunt wrap? That person isn't about to tell me SHIT about his hookups. Let's be reasonable. I'm not trying to be a bitch but I know that if I went into a store and bought a blunt wrap, and someone asked me where I got weed to fill it with, I'd tell them I plead the 5th and to fuck off.

Sr. Verde

I feel your pain dude, I get some decent chronic but this shit on this site makes my mouth water... Like I would do so much for some of this herb, jesus!

I've been dry for a week, and my guy is, "going to be dry for a while"


Well-Known Member
Your in the right place man. Turn your middle of nowhere shitty situation into a positive. Middle of no where usually = better opportunities for a nice sized gorilla grow. That is, if you dont have the money/space for an indoor grow op.


Well-Known Member
No, but its better than asking here. Lol, i dont mean to sound like an asshole, but c'mon man.
I'm pretty sure I've already said I'm NOT asking for a hookup. At all. I'm expressing that it sucks that there's no good weed around me.

As for the idea of a guerilla grow, I have certainly considered it. It won't be feasible for a while, but it's a possibility, for sure. I think a couple of tree grows in my general area could work out really well, and there's a few places to try a ground grow as well.

newbie grow420

Active Member
Dude you said your going to COLLEGE problem solved buddy unless you are going to some mormon fucking college YOU WILL FIND A HOOK-UP. Dude I lived in a college town. They get great weed because people come from all around and kids in college are more likely to share info about finding pot. Go to a party find someone that might have a joint in a conversation tell em your story boom you can find weed even if it overpriced but more than likely very good... good luck

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
alright mate i would suggest buying a bag of that crappy weed and going down your local most relaxed pub on a busy day and making a joint and smoking it around the corner if it's viable and your not likely to get arrested there's a couple of pubs down the road from me and ive met multiple people of like minded nature and even been approached by a couple of dealers it's amazing how relaxed some dealers are when they know your not the law and see you smoking first hand, i only suggest this though if it is safe for you to do and would suggest you dont go alone it's a little different for me as im older and a little rough looking so no arsehole is gonna try and take libertys with me i know for most of you reading this your probably thinking dickhead but i've met loads of people this way and some have even become friends i live in the uk and it's been re claasified to a class B but it's generally relaxed in the city i live in like i said if you are to do this do it in the day when there people around and dont go alone take some friends best of luck mate

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
oh yeah and ask who ever you meet before any questions are you a POLICE officer if there not they will understand