this site and others like it do not give any specific answers to questions


i have posted a few questions here and another site green p. my questions are specific. i have got no responses, none. so i feel that a lot of the info floating around these sites is a bit flowery (pun pun) . guys eager to display pictures of their girls and so on. but when a person has a specific question their is no knowledge base to answer.

thanks a lot.


Active Member
Not to rain on your rant, but I saw all your started threads, and you got answers to all your questions. Based on the one where you mention you are doing 30 (can't recall number) plants, you should have a basic understanding. Sorry you feel in doubt, but you have gotten answers, and all the answers cN also be found in the various stickies in each forum.


Well-Known Member
I finished my 1st plant with knowlage learned here, some people treated me like shit, some threads didnt get a reply, but i kept on asking and people kept on answering me. Now im 1 grow under my belt and on my way to being a pro like some folks here.


Sector 5 Moderator
Is it asking so much for people to do a little bit of research themselves instead of posting, for the 30,000th time "How much do I feed my plants?"


Well-Known Member
Ask a question that someone has not asked a million times helps. You did get answered by the way.


Active Member
but when a person has a specific question their is no knowledge base to answer.
You only have 7 posts and 5 of them were used to start pointless threads. Maybe you aren't happy with rollitup's search function... If so I suggest using google and adding "rollitup" to the end of your search query.

Edit: And if you are having problems, you can't go around blaming others for not doing everything for you. Half your questions could have been answered by reading Instruction Manuals or Instructions Printed on the Labels....


Active Member
Here is some easy ways to search for quick info "I use all 3". Goto google type in enter query here "replace enter query here with your search text" You can also add rollitup to the end of your search like closetsafe said and then I also use a site called ganjadigger which seems to work great also Hope this helps.