This much w is enough?


I have 5 girls 2 weeks old from seeding. They are in a 1,5sqm2 closed balcony, totally blacked out. And I have a frame 120cmX40cm size and attached 6 bulbs.
5x125w(500w equvelant)6400k
1x80w(300w equvelant)2700k

This frame is cover with high quality mirror reflective fabric. Do you guys think this amount of light is enough for this 5 girls for the all life span?


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I believe CFL's are better when mounted horizontal(sideways) as opposed to vertical like you have it. You obtain most of the light from the side not from the top, if you switch the a19 LEDs you won't have to change the mount setup. As far as enough light for 5 plants I'm not really sure. I *think* most may say it is not enough, but someone with better knowledge will be able to answer that better for you. I was personally told 5000 lumins a plant but preferably 10,000 lumins.
Thanks guys, my girls look healty and they grow fast. I am planning to swap some of the 125w with 300w. Pics coming very soon.
IMG_4480.jpg IMG_4482.jpg IMG_4481.jpg IMG_4488.jpg IMG_4490.jpg IMG_4487.jpg Five girls drop to soil on 11th of October, and they sproutted at between 17-18 of October. So i am counting that they are 4 weeks old. This is true right? Like i wrote above they are under CFL's and as far i am concerned they loved the environment . 3 of them are Buuble Kush Automatic, and the rest two are NL Cheese. İn my opinion they just about to start pre-floering stage. so my calculation is they will be ready to harvest at the end of december or first week of january. What do you think guys? Do you think this ladies are happy under this circumtances? I use General Hydro Nutrits, water them accordingly.
When are you flipping them to 12/12.? Remember they need more light in bloom but looks good so far. good luck
Ok. I took the photos below today. These girls are growing so agressive. The light cycle still 18/6 since from seedling. Their branches grow so wide they don't fit under that reflective fabric, so i had to open it a bit. They look preety healty to me. İ put the seed in soil at 11'th of october. So its almost 8 weeks and their flowering started olmost 2 weeks ago. My calculation says, i will be smoking these ladies on my birthday which is 30'th of january. What do you guys think?IMG_4577.jpgIMG_4576.jpg


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I know you guys need more photo but this all I have on my phone at the moment. This is one of my NL cheese strain, it's been seeded on 11th of October and since i moved them in a grow tent everything is going way better. What do you think about this lovely girl. How many weeks do you think left for the right harvest time? I guess I still have few weeks like 4-5? More pics coming tomorrow. Thanx in advance


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