This is my first grow and Have a problem....

Everything seemed to go awesome with my first grow in till recently i noticed an odd smell from my buds, so i investigated farther and looked at the main cola and noticed near the stem area of the bud smelled like my crawl space and not like pot. here the thing i dont know what strain it is but this plant is bout 11 weeks and 4 days into full flower as i have still noticed tricomes are still white into full flower, also this plant is loaded with spider mites and yes i have seen web like stuff on my plant and thought it was just a web but maybe im wrong in till i saw brown areas on the other side of the web....... this is when i pull down the bud in on of the photos and i know its a bad picure but please bear with me
so it seems just the top major cola is bad because the bottom node buds smell like pot and dont have web like stuff on it or and bud rot. Now i the question is should i harvest what i can harvest to save my other plants that dont have budrot?

Also 97% of the hairs are brown



Well-Known Member
well you can tell anything. i would research spidermites. i dont think they cast webs. you cant tell anything from the pics just get a magnifying glass and check the trichomes and harvest when its ready. the odd smell could be chloriphyl which comes natural in the plant and kinda resembles the smell of hay or cut grass. but besides that ur buds look nice just cant get a good look at them
anything i can do to get a better picture? I grew that with CFL's took awhile but i got something atleast.

guys should i harvest what i think dont have mold on it? it doesnt smell like cut grass i can assure you it smells like the inside of a very very old car or crawlspace