This Is How You Post YouTube Videos..


Well-Known Member
bigtomatofamer has told yall befor but some of yall didnt get it so im gonna break it down for you step by step..

[ youtube ] youtubecode [ / youtube ]

but with no we go.

do you see in the youtube link where it says watch?v=

well everything after ?v= is the youtube code..

you backspace everything except the youtube code...55-lhfym_D0

in front of the code you put [ youtube ] spaces

so it will look like this..[ youtube ] 55-lhfym_D0 spaces

then after the code you put this

[ / youtube ] spaces

it will look like this 55-lhfym_D0 [ / youtube ] spaces

do not forget to put the forward slash / in the second part [ / youtube ]

so you got [ youtube ] 55-lhfym_D0 [ / youtube ] ....but with no spaces..

i just put spaces their cuz if i didnt the video would have poped up..

after you done this high light it blue then copy it

you have to paste it wont show up untill your submit you post

so now im gonna do that samething but with no spaces at all and i will get this video..
do you understand..


Well-Known Member
You did the brackets right, but the code wrong. You didnt include ?v= in the code right? its everything after ?v=


Well-Known Member
[ youtube ] 09BVLhygD_k [ / youtube ]
ok he put this code.. but he added a 9 after the k..
if you quote his first post it shows it.
try it again you must have accidently hit the 9 key or something

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
Ya buddy! I'm now .0000371 % less computer illiterate than I was and now I can show you pretty chickens. Life is grand.