This is for shrooms !


Well-Known Member
I am growing shrooms.. started my all in one spawn bag about 3 weeks ago, but I have an awful habit of just going back and looking at the bag to see progress because 1. I want to know how much longer I must wait and 2. It’s just really fucking interesting to see the process take place, I’ve read/heard it is bad to mess with the bag while the spores or whatever they are called are forming.. my question is what does messing with the bag while this process is occurring.. can it mess Up the whole thing?


I'm not a micologist but I think messing with the mycelium why its trying to grow won't kill it but will problem slow down the growth of it being able to fruit sooner. So i don't think its gonna kill it but u are definitely making it take longer. But I've only grown then about 4 times in which I didn't mess with except to prep for fruiting.


Well-Known Member
If you are just looking at the bag and not opening it or damaging the connections the mycelium is making you won’t hurt a thing. Once the bag is about 30% colonized you should gently break up the block of mycelium and shake it around. This will redistribute the mycelium around to more of the grains and it will take off growing faster.

Be patient this all takes time, especially with a decent size bag of grain. My first grow bag mushroom kit took me several months start to finish. Partly because at the time i didn’t have ideal temps to store it in the middle of summer, partly because it just takes time.